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Bicycling in Montferland (link)

Bicycling in Montferland is a walhala for every cyclist. You bicycle through beautiful landscapes dotted with picturesque villages, cultural and historical sites. Unique to our area are the cross border bicycle routes. Bicycling in Montferland (link)

Crossborder Bicycle Route fietstocht

Enjoy the beautiful cross-border bicycle routes, such as the 34 KM Gendringen Anholt Bicycle Route .

Walking tours in Enbergen Nature Area

Engbergen is a nature and recreation area situated between Gendringen Ulft and Voorst with forest, wide ranging fields and relaxing streams. You traverse this area using walking paths, narrow grass paths and easy-walking small gravel pathways. You walk frequently along local rivers and streams, such as the Oude Ijssel river and the Aa-strang river where you can enjoy watching the many water birds. Walking tour through Enbergen